Alessi’s Ark: Argh! Too Good!

I first heard Alessi’s Ark at the end of 2010. She was supporting Villagers in Exeter, about ten of us stood around a tiny stage, in a room that was higher than it was long. She didn’t even really need to use a microphone. We were captivated by the simple notes and harmonic tones she was producing.

Now, just over a year later, I am still captivated. Her most recent album, called ‘Time Travel’, was one of my favourite albums of 2011, and I am really enjoying her first album, ‘Notes from the Treehouse’, that I only bought last night.

One song that has really caught my eye, or ear, is ‘The Asteroids Collide’; her singing in it is very almost rap or poetry, with amazing, flowing lyrics. The whole song is built on top of a simple drum beat that sounds drum machine generated, and there is some piano in there somewhere as well. It may be my favourite song by Alessi.

On top of this, the video is really cool, I like animations. It is made in association with ‘Lomography’, a certain experimental ‘retro’ style of photography, and I count myself as a bit of a ‘lomographer’. I love every single aspect of this song. I still listen with the same awe as that first encounter.